Abstract Submission Information: Rome

Abstract Submission Information: Rome
by Joshua

Submission Dates: 01 October – 15 November 2019

Abstract Submission

Abstracts must be between 250 and 400 words and include the following:

  • Objectives
  • Background
  • Data/Methods (Including data sources and specific statistical tests performed.)
  • Results/Expected Results
  • Policy Implications

There are 7 steps to a complete submission:

  • JEL Category
  • Alternative JEL Category (In case your first choice is not available.)
  • Title of Paper
  • Author Information
  • Submission Fee Payment
  • Abstract Text
  • Confirmation

Note: Papers previously published or those scheduled for publication prior to the conference are ineligible.

No author names, contact information, and/or paper titles should be included in the abstract text.

Once you have submitted the title of your presentation you will automatically receive an email that includes a password-protected hyperlink. If you must interrupt the submission process before finishing it, you can resume at any time by clicking on the hyperlink in that email.

Abstract Submission Fees
                                                                              Member                 Non-Member
01 October – 15 November 2019                 $90.00                       $140.00
After 15 November 2019                                $105.00                      $155.00
The submission fee does not include conference registration. All conference attendees are responsible for paying the conference registration fee.
Click HERE for additional information regarding membership benefits.

Submission fees will be collected via the online abstract submission form and are payable with Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover.
To avoid a bank collection charge, all checks should be drawn on a U.S. bank and payable in U.S. dollars. Submission fees are not refundable.
Payment is available by wire transfer for an additional fee. Please contact iaes@iaes.org for invoice and bank information.
All fees are listed in U.S. Dollars.