Athens 2019 Recap

Athens 2019 Recap
by Joshua

The 87th International Atlantic Economic Conference held in Athens, Greece, 27-30 March 2019 brought together economists and finance experts from all around the world to discuss the changing economic landscape of the past, present and future. This year’s conference featured Professor Yannis Stournaras, Governor of the Bank of Greece, Professor Claire Economidou, University of Piraeus and Professor Margarita Katsimi, Athens University of Business and Economics who all spoke at the conference’s “Greece: Economic Adjustment and Prospects” plenary panel. Professor Jiri Strouhal delivered the 2019 Invited Address on “Valuation in Accounting: True and Fair (or far) View?”. If you attended the conference or you are curious about what you missed, follow the links below to view the web program and photos taken throughout the conference. Special thanks to all who attended!

  • Please click HERE to view the Athens web program.
  • Please click HERE to view the Athens photos.

Highlights Included:

Plenary Panel: “Greece: Economic Adjustment and Prospects” 

Organizer: Gylfi Zoëga, University of Iceland and University of London—United Kingdom

Chair: Margarita Katsimi, Athens University of Business and Economics—Greece

Yannis Stournaras, Governor, Bank of Greece, View Transcript
gylfi-zoega-fd645242-21dc-49c2-b489-0b8e4dba45a-resize-750Yannis Stournaras is Governor, Bank of Greece, and member of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund. Professor Stournaras has been a member of the Governing Council, European Central Bank, since June 2014. He previously served as a Member of the Board of Governors, European Investment Bank. He was Finance Minister from 2012-2014 and handled Greece’s bailout negotiations with the International Monetary Fund and European Union.



Claire Economidou, University of Piraeus—Greece, Unfolding Greece’s Potential for Economic Growth: The Role of Start-up & Innovation Ecosystem  View Presentation

Claire Economidou is Professor, Department of Economics, University of Piraeus. Professor Economidou joined the University of Piraeus in 2010 as Assistant Professor of Macroeconomics. She became Associate Professor in 2014 and full Professor in 2018. Her research interests are in economic growth and development and international trade. Her research interests lie in the fields of economic growth and economics of innovation. More specifically, her current research agenda is mainly concentrated on the knowledge diffusion dynamics and its impact on local innovation and growth perspectives, the role of financial frictions on country’s innovation performance, the assessment of the private value of patents, the role of institutions and social capital in shaping entrepreneurship and innovation, among others.



Margarita Katsimi, Athens University of Business and Economics—Greece,  Firm Heterogeneity and Exports: Evidence from Greek Firms View Presentation


Margarita Katsimi is Professor of Economics in the Department of International and European Economic Studies, Athens University of Business and Economics, and Research Fellow, Center for Economic Studies and Information and Research Institute for Economic Research. She has been a member of the Greek Council of Economic Advisors, an Alternate Member of the Euro Working Group and Member of the Economic Policy Committee of the European Union. Her research interests are in international economics and political economy.



Jiří Strouhal, 2019 Invited Address:

“Valuation in Accounting: True and Fair (not far) View?” View Presentation

img67Jiří Strouhal is full professor at the Department of Finance and Accounting at Škoda Auto University Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic. He obtained his Ph.D. degree at the University of Economics Prague in 2005, associate professorship (habilitation) in 2012 and full professorship named by the President of the Czech Republic in 2016. He is also a professional advisor in the field of accounting and corporate finance. Since 2011, he has been President of the Association of Czech Professional Accountants. His research interests include: international accounting, financial statements analysis and corporate finance.