Oskar Harmon, Ph.D
Associate Professor of Economics
University of Connecticut
Professor Harmon is organizing sessions for our 80th International Atlantic Economic Conference on the following topics: Factors contributing to differences in state economic outcomes over the great recession and pointers and pitfalls for human subject research on instruction in economics and other social sciences
Why did you become a member of the International Atlantic Economic Society?
The meetings are at convenient times in great locations.
What do you find most enjoyable about your International Atlantic Economic Society Membership?:
The strong papers in sessions, constructive discourse, and the network of productive researchers.
What types of projects/research are you working on and what sparked your interest?
My current interest is using educational technology to improve learning outcomes of different styled learners. I am inspired by working with exceptional learners.
What advice would you give to someone who is considering entering your line of work or field of study?
Do randomized trials, work closely with your Institutional Review Board.
Favorite hobby: