How To Apply for 2022

How To Apply for 2022
by smartguys

Guidelines for Submission

To be considered for the Best Undergraduate Paper competition, all entries must follow the guidelines below:

(Click to Enlarge)

1. The paper must conform to AEJ manuscript style instructions, be 10 – 20 pages in length including tables, and be submitted in MS Word format. Papers not following these guidelines will be rejected. AEJ formatting instructions can be found HERE. DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR PAPER TO EDITORIAL MANAGER.

2. Submit the paper to by 15 June, 2022 with the subject line: “Best Undergraduate Paper Competition – Last Name of Student”. Please send the paper as a Microsoft Word document. PDF and LaTeX files are NOT acceptable. Title page must include: (a) full name of student; (b) affiliation; (c) e-mail address; and (d) phone number.

3. Include an e-mail from the Department Chair certifying:
A. That the paper was written while the author was an undergraduate.
B. If the student has already graduated from the undergraduate program, that the degree was conferred within the past academic year.
C. That the paper has not already been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
D. That the department will sponsor the student’s hotel and travel if the student is selected as a finalist.

Note: If the Department Chair is unable to sponsor student travel occurring after graduation, provide a separate letter from an alternative sponsor (Department Chair of the graduate program in which the student will be enrolled at the time of the conference or employer after graduation) specifying that the department or employer will sponsor the student’s hotel and travel if the student is selected as a finalist.


1. Up to four finalists will be notified of their selection. Finalists will be required to make a formal presentation on Saturday, afternoon at the 94th International Atlantic Economic Conference in October 2022. Conference fees for all finalists will be waived.

2. Finalists will be judged on both presentation and content. A panel of judges will announce the winning paper after the presentations.

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