Mohamed Douch, PHD
Mohamed Douch is Full Professor of Economics at the Royal Military College of Canada (in Kingston, Ontario since 2006). He holds a M.Sc in Financial Economics (with distiction) and PhD in Macroeconomics from the University of Quebec in Montreal (Canada). Mohamed is also a research fellow of The Centre for International and Defence Policy at Queen’s University and a fellow of The John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy at Queen’s.
Dr. Douch has presented numerous papers at international conferences with recent involvement in the Military Expenditure Expert Workshop at SIPRI in Stockholm, Sweden. An invitation only workshop for experts on the field of Defense Economics focusing on the release of a new extended dataset, along with additional methodological information about the new release (to be publicly available in the late 2016).
As a consultant Prof. Douch has been involved in projects with various institutions, such as the Centre for Operational Research and Analysis (CORA), National Defense Canada, DRDC Ottawa and DRDC Toronto, Canada.
Since joining the then Department of Politics & Economics at RMCC in 2006, he has served as Deputy Head of the Department and PIC of Economics for several years. Mohamed was also deputy head of the department of Management and Economics (2015-2016). He was also involved in various committees, both college wide and external to the institution.
Mohamed has also been a member of the Canadian Economic Association (CEA), The Americain Economic Association (AEA), The International Atlantic Economic Society (IAES), and Société Canadienne de Sciences Économiques (SCSE).
Why did you become a member of the International Atlantic Economic Society?
The Atlantic Economic Journal was my first contact with the International Atlantic Economic Society as a complementary issue was emailed to me. Afterwards, I attended the Montreal conference of the IAES and became a regular member since then, enjoying the great things that the International Atlantic Economic Society has to offer.
What types of projects/research are you currently working on and what inspired/motivated you to pursue these interests?
My areas of interest are financial macroeconomics, applied economics and defense economics. I’m currently working on a paper dealing with an equity premium and new ways to solve puzzles in the financial markets using principal components analysis. My other ongoing projects are about defense spending and the impact of spending on attracting FDIs to developing economies.
What advice would you give to someone who is considering entering your line of work/field of study?
Read, read and read. Once you find interest in a topic, be patient and take time to love your findings before trying to ‘sell’ them to others.
Going forward, what other projects/research are you looking to or hoping to pursue?
Defense spending and economic well-being, monetary policy surprises and link to financial markets are few research projects I’m planning for the near future.
What’s your favorite hobby?
Other than reading, traveling and soccer are my main hobbies.