October 2021 Virtual Conference Recap

October 2021 Virtual Conference Recap
by Joshua

The 92nd International Atlantic Economic Conference was held virtually, 7-10 October 2021. The conference brought together international economists and finance experts to discuss the changing economic landscape of the past, present, and future. This year’s conference featured a lineup of renowned speakers, including William R. Easterly, Professor, New York University, who gave the 2021 William S. Vickrey Distinguished Address entitled “The Tyranny of Experts: Population Scares and Population Controls”. Philippe Martin, Chairman of the Council of Economic Analysis of the Prime Minister of France, and Professor, Sciences Po, Paris, gave the 2021 Presidential Address entitled “Trade Imbalances, Fiscal Policies and the Rise of Protectionism”. Scroll down to learn more.

View the full online program here

Highlights Included:

William R. Easterly, 2021 William S. Vickrey Distinguished Address:

“The Tyranny of Experts: Population Scares and Population Controls” (View Slides)

William R. Easterly is Professor of Economics at New York University and Co-director of the NYU Development Research Institute. He is the author of three books: The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor (March 2014), The White Man’s Burden: Why the West’s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good (2006), which won the FA Hayek Award from the Manhattan Institute, and The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists’ Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics (2001). He has published many peer-reviewed academic articles, and has written columns and reviews for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, New York Review of Books, and Washington Post. He has served as Co-Editor of the Journal of Development Economics and as Director of the blog Aid Watch. He is a Research Associate of NBER, and senior fellow at BREAD.

View Vickrey Distinguished Address Video

Philippe Martin, 2021 Presidential Address:

“Trade Imbalances, Fiscal Policies and the Rise of Protectionism”

Philippe Martin was appointed as Chairman of the Conseil d’Analyse Economique (CAE) in January 2018 by the French Prime Minister. The Conseil d’Analyse Economique is an independent advisory body that reports directly to the French Prime Minister on economic issues. Philippe Martin has been Professor at Department of Economics at Sciences Po in Paris since it was established and was its first Chair from 2009 to 2013. He is also a CEPR Research Fellow and Co-director of the Macroeconomics Program at CEPREMAP. Philippe Martin’s research focuses on international trade and macroeconomics and has been widely recognized at both the national and international levels. He is a co-author on a book “Economic Geography and Public Policy” published by Princeton University Press as well as two books published by Éditions de la rue d’Ulm/CEPREMAP. He is a regular participant to the radio show « L’Economie en question » on France Culture. Prior to joining the Department of Economics at Sciences Po, he was Professor at the University of Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne, the Paris School of Economics and a member of the Institut Universitaire de France. Before teaching in France, he was an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and assistant professor in Geneva. He also taught at Ecole Polytechnique and the London School of Economics.

View Presidential Address Video

2021 Atlantic Economic Journal Best Article Award:

The International Atlantic Economic Society extends a warm congratulations to the winners of the 2021 Atlantic Economic Journal (AEJ) Best Article Award, Luiza Antonie, Laura Gatto, and Miana Plesca, University of Guelph, for their paper Full-Time and Part-Time Work and the Gender Wage Gap. The article was published in the September 2020 issue of the Atlantic Economic Journal. Read More…


View AEJ Best Article Award Video

2021 Best Undergraduate Paper Award Competition Winner and Finalists:

Click To View Full Paper
(Click To View Slides)

Gwyneth is currently a third year student at Idaho State University studying economics with a secondary focus in political science and statistics. She is especially interested in labor economics, public economics, and the applications of econometrics. While at Idaho State University, she has enjoyed engaging others in the study of economics by tutoring students and assisting with educational activities as the Economics Club Vice President. After she graduates, she hopes to eventually pursue a Ph.D. and a career in academia. Read More…

View The Best Undergraduate Paper Award Competition Video


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Charles Bromwich and Tania Chaar
University of Ottawa, Canada

Measuring Labor Supply and Demand Shocks during COVID-19

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Charles is a student pursuing a Master’s in Economics at the University of Montreal, in Quebec, Canada. He previously studied at the University of Ottawa, where he received an Honors Bachelor of Economics. During his time at the University of Ottawa, Charles had the opportunity to complete two projects in collaboration with Canada’s Federal government, developing estimates of interprovincial trade, and analysing the potential impacts of small modular nuclear reactors on Canadian energy markets.  Charles also had the opportunity to participate in the governor’s challenge, an interuniversity competition pitting teams of undergraduate economics students against each other with the goal of developing and presenting a policy recommendation to the Bank of Canada.

Tania is a recent graduate from the University of Ottawa. Tania majored in economics with a minor in mathematics and is currently working as an economic research assistant. During her time at the University of Ottawa, she developed an interest in labour economics and international trade. She hopes to eventually pursue graduate studies in economics.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Wlodarski-Headshot-e1630339374323.pngRobert Jacek Włodarski
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Non-Euro EU Member States and ECB-Originating Monetary Shocks: A Macroeconomic Policy Trilemma Question

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Robert graduated with a Masters in economics and mathematics at the University of Edinburgh and currently works at the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom. Passionate about macroeconomics, he sees himself expanding the models of fiscal, monetary and financial interdependencies between the ever-closer integrating states, such as we can see in the European Union. Robert’s areas of interest include issues related to political economy, global politics, international development and human rights.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Yorkilous-Headshot-scaled-e1630342062370-1024x1010.jpgMatthew Yorkilous
University of Virginia, USA

Marriage, Cohabitation, and Charitable Giving

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Matthew graduated from the University of Virginia in May 2021 with a degree in economics. In particular, his interests lie in the fields of public economics, economics of the family, and industrial organization. He currently works at an economic consulting firm, analyzing the competitive effects of mergers and acquisitions. Matthew hopes to pursue a Ph.D. in economics in the future.