Atlantic Economic Journal Board of Editors July 7, 2021by Joshua Katherine S. Virgo, Managing Editor Emory University—U.S.A. Board of Editors Paul Bauer, State University of New York at Oneonta—U.S.A. Gordon L. Brady, Florida Southern College—U.S.A Bruce J. Caldwell, Duke University—U.S.A. Roger D. Congleton, West Virginia University—U.S.A. Amelie F. Constant, University of Pennsylvania- U.S.A. James C. Cox, Georgia State University—U.S.A. Ben Craig, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Christine Cumming, Columbia University —U.S.A. Joseph Deutsch, Bar-Ilan University—Israel Sucharita Ghosh, The University of Akron—U.S.A. Shif Gurmu, Georgia State University—U.S.A. Diana Hancock, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System—U.S.A. Kevin Huang, Vanderbilt University—U.S.A. Chiayang James Hueng, Western Michigan University—U.S.A. Joseph P. Hughes, Rutgers University—U.S.A. Matthew Jaremski, Utah State University—U.S.A. David M. Kemme, University of Memphis—U.S.A. Shawn Ni, University of Missouri at Columbia—U.S.A. Donald O. Parsons, George Washington University - U.S.A. James Thomson, University of Akron—U.S.A. Bas van Aarle, Catholic University of Leuven—Belgium Qiang Zhang, FedEx Corporate Services, Inc. - U.S.A.