Viral V. Acharya: C.V. Starr Professor of Economics, Department of Finance, New York University Stern School of Business (2008-Present); Editor of Journal of Law, Finance and Accounting (2014-2016, 2020-Present); Member of the International Advisory Board of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) (2014-Present); Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) in Corporate Finance (2009-Present)
Previous Positions: Deputy Governor at the Reserve Bank of India (2017-2019); Director of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India; Director of Western Finance Association; Academic Director of the Coller Institute of Private Equity, London Business School (2007-2009); Deutsche Bank Visiting Chair Professor, National Institute of Securities Markets, India (2021-2022); Academic Advisor to the Federal Reserve Banks of Chicago, Cleveland, New York and Philadelphia; Editor of the Journal of Financial Intermediation (2009-12); associate editor of the Journal of Finance (2011-14)
Selected Publications (Books):Restoring Financial Stability: How to Repair a Failed System (2009); Regulating Wall Street: The Dodd-Frank Act and the New Architecture of Global Finance (2010); Dodd-Frank: One Year On (2011); Guaranteed to Fail: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Debacle of Mortgage Finance (2011); Quest for Restoring Financial Stability in India (2020); SVB and Beyond: The Banking Stress of 2023 (2023)
Professional Activities: Member of the Climate-related Financial Risk Advisory Committee (CFRAC) of the Financial Stability Oversight Council (2023-Present); Member of the Editorial Committee of the Annual Review of Financial Economics (2022- Present); Board member of the Financial Intermediation Research Society (2023- Present); Member of the Advisory Council of the Bombay (Mumbai) Stock Exchange (BSE) Training Institute (2011-2014)
Vice President
N. Gregory Mankiw: Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics, Harvard University (1987-Present); Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers (2003-2005); Staff Economist, Council of Economic Advisors (1982-1983); Assistant Professor of Economics, Harvard University (1985-1987); Instructor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1984-1985)
Selected Publications (Books): Macroeconomics (in its 12th Edition), Macmillan Learning (2010-2025); Principles of Economics (in its 10th Edition), Cengage (1997-2024)
Selected Publications (Articles): Small Menu Costs and Large Business Cycles: A Macroeconomic Model of Monopoly; Quarterly Journal of Economics 1985; Free Entry and Social Inefficiency, with Michael Whinston, Rand Journal of Economics 1986; The Equity Premium and the Concentration of Aggregate Shocks, Journal of Financial Economics 1986; Ricardian Consumers with Keynesian Propensities, with Robert Barsky and Stephen Zeldes, American Economic Review 1986; Are Output Fluctuations Transitory? with John Campbell, Quarterly Journal of Economics 1987; The New Keynesian Economics and the Output-Inflation Trade-off, with Laurence Ball and David Romer, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1988; Assessing Dynamic Efficiency: Theory and Evidence, with Andrew Abel, Lawrence Summers, and Richard Zeckhauser, Review of Economic Studies 1989; Real Business Cycles: A New Keynesian Perspective, Journal of Economic Perspectives 1989; The Baby Boom, the Baby Bust, and the Housing Market, with David Weil, Regional Science and Urban Economics 1989; Consumption, Income, and Interest Rates: Reinterpreting the Time Series Evidence, with John Campbell, NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1989; Precautionary Saving and the Timing of Taxes, with Miles Kimball, Journal of Political Economy 1989; Permanent Income, Current Income, and Consumption, with John Campbell, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 1990; A Quick Refresher Course in Macroeconomics, Journal of Economic Literature 1990; The Consumption of Stockholders and Non Stockholders, with Stephen Zeldes, Journal of Financial Economics 1991; A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth, with David Romer and David Weil, Quarterly Journal of Economics 1992; Asymmetric Price Adjustment and Economic Fluctuations, with Laurence Ball, Economic Journal 1994; Relative-Price Changes as Aggregate Supply Shocks, with Laurence Ball, Quarterly Journal of Economics 1995; Capital Mobility in Neoclassical Models of Growth, with Robert Barro and Xavier Sala-i Martin, American Economic Review 1995; The Growth of Nations, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1995; What Do Budget Deficits Do? with Laurence Ball, in Budget Deficits and Debt: Issues and Options, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 1995; An Asset Allocation Puzzle, with Niko Canner and David Weil, American Economic Review 1997; Government Debt, with Douglas Elmendorf, Handbook of Macroeconomics, 1999; The Savers-Spenders Theory of Fiscal Policy, AEA Papers and Proceedings 2000; The Inexorable and Mysterious Tradeoff Between Inflation and Unemployment, Economic Journal 2001; Sticky Information versus Sticky Prices: A Proposal to Replace the New Keynesian Phillips Curve, with Ricardo Reis, Quarterly Journal of Economics 2002; The NAIRU in Theory and Practice, with Laurence Ball, Journal of Economic Perspectives 2002; Disagreement about Inflation Expectations, with Ricardo Reis and Justin Wolfers, NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2003; What Measure of Inflation Should a Central Bank Target? with Ricardo Reis, Journal of the European Economic Association 2003; The Macroeconomist as Scientist and Engineer, Journal of Economic Perspectives 2006; The Politics and Economics of Offshore Outsourcing, with Phillip L. Swagel, Journal of Monetary Economics 2006; Intergenerational Risk Sharing in the Spirit of Arrow, Debreu, and Rawls, with Applications to Social Security Design, with Laurence Ball, Journal of Political Economy 2007; Smart Taxes: An Open Invitation to Join the Pigou Club, Eastern Economic Journal 2009; Optimal Taxation in Theory and Practice, with Matthew Weinzierl and Danny Yagan, Journal of Economic Perspectives 2009; The Optimal Taxation of Height: A Case Study in Utilitarian Income Redistribution, with Matthew Weinzierl, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 2010; Defending the One Percent, Journal of Economic Perspectives 2013; Yes, r > g. So what? AEA Papers and Proceedings 2015; Reflections of a Textbook Author, Journal of Economic Literature 2020; A Skeptic’s Guide to Modern Monetary Theory, AEA Papers and Proceedings 2020; The Past and Future of Econ 101: The John R. Commons Award Lecture, The American Economist 2021; Government Debt and Capital Accumulation in an Era of Low Interest Rates, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2022; Market Power in Neoclassical Growth Models, with Laurence Ball, Review of Economic Studies 2023
Professional Activities: Chair of Economics Department, Harvard University (2012 2015); Member, US Partnership on Mobility from Poverty (2016-2018); Vice Chair, Board of Trustees, Urban Institute (2017-Present); Adviser, Congressional Budget Office; Adviser, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston; Adviser, Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research
Executive Vice President
Katherine S. Virgo, Executive Vice President, International Atlantic Economic Society, and Adjunct Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Previous Positions: Managing Director (Director, 2008-2010), Health Services Research Program, Intramural Research Department, American Cancer Society, 2008-2012; Research Health Scientist, Health Services Research & Development, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Atlanta, GA, 2009-2011; Professor (Associate Professor, 1996-2001; Assistant Professor, 1991-1996), Department of Surgery, Saint Louis University Health Sciences Center, 1996-2008; Statistician (Health Science Specialist, 1991-1993), Surgical Service, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 1991-2008; Research Assistant, Health Services Research & Development, Veterans Administration Medical Center, St. Louis, MO, 1986-1991; Co-Founder, member of the Board of Directors and Executive Administrator, International Health Economics and Management Institute, 1983-1987; Executive Administrator (Executive Assistant, 1979-1981; Assistant Coordinator, 1978-1979), Atlantic Economic Society, 1978-2012 (1987-2012 donated time).
Selected Publications (Books): Patient Surveillance after Cancer Treatment, New York, NY, Springer, 2013 (ed. with Johnson FE, Maehara Y, Browman GP,; The Bionic Patient, Health Promotion for People with Implanted Prosthetic Devices, Totowa, NJ, Humana Press, 2006 (ed. with Johnson FE); Cancer Patient Follow-Up, St. Louis, MO, Mosby, October 1997 (ed. with Johnson FE). (Selected Articles): “Utilization, timing and outcomes of BRCA genetic testing among women with newly diagnosed breast cancer from a national commercially insured population: The ABOARD Study” (with Armstrong J, Lynch K, Schwartz MD, et al.), JCO Oncology Practice 2021. “Initial Management of Non-Castrate Advanced, Recurrent or Metastatic Prostate Cancer: ASCO Guideline Update” (with Rumble RB, de Wit R, Mendelson DS, et al.), Journal of Clinical Oncology 2021. “Employment outcomes among cancer survivors in the United States: Implications for cancer care delivery” (with deMoor JS, Kent EE, McNeel TS, et al.), Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2020. “The social and economic toll of cancer survivorship: A complex web of financial sacrifice” (with Banegas MP, Schneider JL, Firemark AJ, et al.), Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2019. “Health insurance transitions among cancer survivors and those with no cancer history: A longitudinal nationally representative study” (with Lin CC, Davidoff A. Guy GP, et al.), In Kronenfeld JJ (ed.) Gender, Women’s Health Concerns and Other Social Factors in Health and Health Care. Research in the Sociology of Health Care, 2018. “Chemotherapy-naïve castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC): American Society of Clinical Oncology provisional clinical opinion summary” (with Rumble RB, Singer EA), Journal of Oncology Practice 2017. “Second-line hormonal therapy for men with chemotherapy-naïve castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC): American Society of Clinical Oncology Provisional Clinical Opinion” (with Basch E, Loblaw DA, Oliver TK, et al.), Journal of Clinical Oncology 2017 “Comparison of comorbid medical conditions in the National Cancer Data Base and the SEER-Medicare Data Base” (with Lin CC, Robbins AS, Jemal A, et al), Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2016. “Utilization and outcomes of BRCA genetic testing and counseling in a national commercially insured population: The ABOUT study” (with Armstrong J, Toscano M, Kotchko N, et al.), JAMA Oncology 2015. “Systemic therapy in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC): American Society of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Care Ontario clinical practice guidelines” (with Basch E, Loblaw DA, Oliver TK, et al.), Journal of Clinical Oncology 2014. “Medical costs and productivity losses of cancer survivors–United States, 2008-2011” (with Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR, Guy GP Jr, et al), Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.2014. “Oncologists’ and primary care physicians’ awareness of late and long-term effects of chemotherapy: Implications for care of the growing population of survivors” (with Nekhlyudov L, Aziz NM, Lerro C), Journal of Oncology Practice 2014. “Diagnosis date agreement between SEER and Medicare claims data: Impact on treatment” (with Lin CC), Medical Care 2014. “Barriers to breast and colorectal cancer survivorship care. Perceptions of U.S. primary care physicians and medical oncologists” (with CC Lerro, CN Klabunde, C Earle,, Journal of Clinical Oncology 2013; “Health care policy and cancer survivorship” (with JL Bromberek, A Glaser, D Horgan,, Cancer 2013; “Cancer Treatment and Survivorship Statistics, 2012 (with R Siegel, C DeSantis, K Stein,, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2012; “Impact of poverty and race/ethnicity on treatment and management of urologic cancers” (with SA Fedewa), Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 2012; “Safety-net burden hospitals and likelihood of curative-intent surgery for non-small cell lung cancer” (with AG Little, SA Fedewa, AY Chen,, Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2011;
Professional Activities: Member, Expert Panel, Systemic Therapy in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Guideline, American Society of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Care Ontario (2012-present); Member, Cancer Control and Population Sciences Research Program, Emory University (2010-present); Chair, Medical Care Section, American Public Health Association (2011-2012); Reviewer, Expert Panel for National Cancer Institute Project, Evaluation of the Provider Survey Initiative (2011-2012); Member, Expert Panel, Treatment of Androgen Sensitive and Androgen Independent Prostate Cancer Guideline, American Society of Clinical Oncology (2010-present); Member, Cancer Program Standards 2011 Project Steering Committee, American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer (2009-2012); Chair, Health Services Research Committee, Medical Care Section, American Public Health Association (2008-present); Member, American Society of Clinical Oncology Cancer Foundation Komen Grant Review Subcommittee (2008-2011); Member, Scientific Committee, GILDA Clinical Trial (1998-present); Editorial and Journal Review Boards: Editor-in-Chief, International Advances in Economic Research (2013-present); Managing Editor, Atlantic Economic Journal (2013-present); Member, Editorial Board, Surgical Oncology (2007-2025); Member, Editorial Academy, International Journal of Oncology (2005-present); Reviewer, Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine (2002-present); Reviewer, Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research (2001-present).
Executive Committee
Amelie F. Constant, Research Affiliate, The University of Pennsylvania, Population Studies Center; Fellow of the Global Labor Organization; Fellow of the CESifo Institutes Network with the University of Munich, Germany; Affiliated Professorial Fellow of UNU-MERIT, University of Maastricht, Netherlands; Academic Member of the Athens Institute for Education and Research, Greece; Member of the European Academy of Sciences (Academia Europaea); Board of Editors, Atlantic Economic Journal (2020-Present), Editorial Board, Global Germany in Transnational Dialogues (2017-Present); Editorial Board, The Quarterly Journal of Finance (2017 – Present), Board of Editors, Applied Economics Quarterly (2003- Present); Associate Editor, Migration and Society (2018- Present)
Previous Positions: Princeton University (2016-2022), IZA, Bonn (2011-2016), DIWDC, DC (2006- 2012); Founding Editor, IZA Journal of Migration (2011–2016).
Selected Publications (Books): How Labor Migrants Fare (2004); The Foundations of Migration Economics (2016); The International Handbook on the Economics of Migration (2013); Books Chapters: “Return, Circular, and Onward Migration Decisions in a Knowledge Society,” Economic Geography of Cross-Border Migration K. Kourtit, B. Newbold, P. Nijkamp, M. Partridge (eds). (2021); “Time-Space Dynamics of Return and Circular Migration: Theories and Evidence,” Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics K.F. Zimmermann (ed), 2020; “The Economic Burden of Hypertension,” Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease, E.A. Andreadis (ed), (w. E.V. Geladari, C.V. Geladari), (2016); “An Economic Analysis of Immigration,” Public Economics in the United States: How the Federal Government Analyzes and Influences the Economy S. Payson (ed). (2014); Articles: “Ethnic Spatial Dispersion and Immigrant Identity,” Chinese Journal of Economics and Business (w. S. Schueller, K.F. Zimmermann), 2023; “Self Selection in Physical and Mental Health among Older Intra-European Migrants,” Journal of the Economics of Aging (w. N. Milewski), 2021; “A “Healthy Immigrant Effect” or a “Sick Immigrant Effect”? Selection and Policies Matter,” European Journal of Health Economics (w. T. García Muñoz, S. Neuman, T. Neuman), 2018; “Ethnic Diversity and Well-Being,” Journal of Population Economics (w. A. Akay, C. Giulietti, M. Guzi), 2017; “The Healthy Immigrant Paradox and Health Convergence,” Journal of International Comparisons–CESifo, 2017;
Professional Activities: Member of the Board of Directors of the Eastern Economic Association (2020-2023); Member of the Board of Directors of Eating for the Ecosystem–Applied Research and Education (since 2020); of the Association for Integrity and Responsible Leadership in Economics (since 2009); President of the Society of Government Economists (2014–2017).
Sibabrata Das, Senior Researcher, Development Issues Unit, Strategy Policy and Review Department, International Monetary Fund, Washington DC; active participant in joint World Bank-International Monetary Fund country missions in Ghana, Angola, and Grenada
Previous Positions: Visiting Fellow (Offered), School of Business Management & Economics, University of Sussex, 2015-2017; Associate Professor, 2002, Department of Economics, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan, WB, India; Research Economist, 1994-1998, World Bank, Washington DC; Research Fellowship, 1990-94, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; Assistant Professor, 1987-1994, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, WB, India; Assistant Professor, 1985-1987, North Bengal University, Siliguri, WB, India.
Selected Publications (Books): Economic Growth and Development- A Dynamic Dual Economy Approach; with, A. Mourmouras, P.C. Rangazas, 2018 (Second Edition, August 2018) Springer; Economic Growth and Development- A Dynamic Dual Economy Approach; with, A. Mourmouras, P.C. Rangazas, 2018 (First Edition, 2015), Springer; Creating Policy Space in Low-Income Countries during the Recent Crises, with Dudine et. al., International Monetary Fund, 2010. Book Chapters: Does Developing Asia Save More? Evidence from a Panel of High Saving Nations in Asia (in Select Issues in Macroeconomics: A Quantitative Approach, IUP Publications, (with Ray, Partha), 2014; Ghana: Growth, Private Sector and Poverty Reduction, World Bank, Prepared jointly with other members of the Ghana CEM team under A. Alam and K. Matin, 1995; Ending Poverty and Sharing Prosperity, World Bank (Global Monitoring Report, WB & IMF team members), 2014; Rural Urban Dynamics and the Millennium Development Goals, World Bank (Global Monitoring Report, with other team members), 2013; Food Prices, Nutrition, and the Millennium Development Goals(Global Monitoring Report, WB & IMF team members), 2012. Articles: Growth at Risk from Natural Disasters; IMF Working Paper, 2021 (forthcoming) (with T. Bayoumi and S. Quayyum); Growth of Real GDP and Total Factor Productivity in Asia with an Emphasis on Malaysian Growth. Atlantic Economic Journal 47, 391–413, 2020 (with M. Upadhyay); Why is Sharecropping Extinct in the US South But Persistent in West Bengal? A Review of Comparative History (with M. Upadhyay), International Journal of Social Science and Development Policy, Vol.3, 2, 98-113, 2017; Does Developing Asia Save More? The IUP Journal of Applied Economics, XI, January 2012 (with Ray, Partha). Board Papers & Reports Contributed to: Women in the Labor Force: The Role of Fiscal Policies (Staff Development Note 2020); Review of Implementation of IMF Commitments in Support of the 2030 Development Agenda (Board Document 2019); Building Resilience in Developing Countries Vulnerable to Large Natural Disasters (Board Paper 2019); Macroeconomic Developments and Prospects in Low-Income Developing Countries (IMF Policy Paper, IMF, January 2017) ; Macroeconomic Developments and Prospects in Low-Income Developing Countries (IMF Policy Paper, IMF, December 2015); Financing for Development: Revisiting the Monterrey Consensus (IMF Policy Paper, IMF, July 2015); Assessing Reserve Adequacy: Specific Proposals (IMF Policy Paper, December 2014); Conditionality in Evolving Monetary Policy Regimes (IMF Policy Paper, March 2014); Macroeconomic Issues in Small States and Implications for Fund Engagement (IMF Policy Paper, March 2013) Macroeconomic Policy Frameworks for Resource-Rich Developing Countries (IMF Policy Paper, March 2012).
Professional Activities: Research Professional & Team Member for Low-Income Country (Policy Review Division, Low-Income Unit, Developing Issues Unit) & Contributor to World Bank & IMF Board Papers (1994-2021), Member, International Atlantic Economic Society, 2012-Present, Member, American Economic Association, 1998–present; Member, Western Economic Association 2003; Member Grenada Country Economic Team 2009-10 (IMF Mission); Member Angola Country Team (WB-IMF Mission 2002); Member Ghana Country Economic Team (WBIMF Mission 1994-1998); Member, Burkina Faso Country Team (1996-1998), Member Website Development-Team (Low-Income Collaborative Site, Knowledge Exchange Sites on Small States, Growth & Inequality, Compact with Africa, IMF 2009-2021).
Xavier Gabaix: Pershing Square Professor of Economics and Finance, Harvard University (2016-Present); Faculty Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, (2010-Present); Research Fellow, Center for Economic Policy Research (2009-Present); Member, CESifoResearch Network, (2019-Present); Research Associate, European Corporate Governance Institute, (2011-Present)
Previous Positions: Martin J. Gruber Professor of Finance, New York University, (2010-2018); Professor of Finance, New York University, (2009-2010), Associate Professor of Finance, New York University; (2007-2009); Rudi Dornbusch Career Development Assistant/Associate Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2004-2007); Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research, (2002-2010)
Selected Publications: (Chapters in Books): Behavioral Inattention, Handbook of Behavioral Economics 2019; (Articles): A Behavioral New Keynesian Model, American Economic Review 2020; Optimal Taxation with Behavioral Agents, (with Emmanuel Farhi), American Economic Review 2020; The Dynamics of Inequality, (with Jean-Michel Lasry, Pierre-Louis Lions and Ben Moll), Econometrica 2016; Rare Disasters and Exchange Rates, (with Emmanuel Farhi), Quarterly Journal of Economics 2016; Power laws in economics: An Introduction, Journal of Economic Perspectives 2016; Executive Compensation: A Modern Primer (with Alex Edmans), Journal of Economic Literature 2016; International Liquidity and Exchange Rate Dynamics, (with Matteo Maggiori), Quarterly Journal of Economics 2015; A Sparsity-Based Model of Bounded Rationality, Quarterly Journal of Economics 2014; The Great Diversification and Its Undoing, (with Vasco Carvalho), American Economic Review 2013; Variable Rare Disasters: An Exactly Solved Framework for Ten Puzzles in Macro-Finance, Quarterly Journal of Economics 2012; The Area and Population of Cities: New Insights from a Different Perspective on Cities, (with Hernan Rozenfeld, Diego Rybski, and Hernan Makse), American Economic Review 2011; The Effect of Risk on the CEO Market, (with Alex Edmans), Review of Financial Studies 2011; The Granular Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations, Econometrica 2011
Professional Activities: Fellow of the Econometric Society, (2011-Present); Richard T. Ely Distinguished Lectures, John Hopkins University, (2017); Maurice Allais Prize, (2015); Lagrange Prize for Research on Complex Systems, CRT Foundation (2012); Rising Star in Finance Award, (2012); Fischer Black Prize, American Finance Association, (2011); Best Young French Economist Prize, (2011); Bernacer Prize for Best European Economist Under 40 Working in Macroeconomics/Finance, (2011); Young Scientist Award for Socio- and Econophysics, (2006); David A. Wells Prize for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation at Harvard University, (1999)
Donald O. Parsons, Professor of Economics, The George Washington University; Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University; Research Fellow, IZA Bonn, Fellow, Global Labor Organization.
Previous Positions: Distinguished Foreign Scholar, Soong Sil University (Seoul, Korea), Brain Korea 21 Project, 2001; Visiting Professor, Copenhagen Business School, 1997; Visiting Scholar, Centre for Socio-legal Studies, Wolfson College, Oxford University (United Kingdom). 1993; Siena Chair in Economics-Fulbright Scholar Distinguished Lecturing Award, University of Siena (Italy), 1991; Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1975-76.
Selected Publications: (Articles): The Simple Analytics of Job Displacement Insurance Journal of Risk and Insurance 2017; Job Displacement Insurance in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition 2015; Understanding Severance Pay Cuadernos de Economía (Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance) 2013; Mandated Severance Pay and Firing Cost Distortions: A Critical Review of the Evidence in Reforming Severance Pay: An International Perspective 2012; The Firing Cost Implications of Alternative Severance Pay Designs in Reforming Severance Pay: An International Perspective 2012; Imperfect `Tagging’ In Social Insurance Programs, Journal of Public Economics 1996; The Internal Distribution of Union Rents: An Empirical Test of the Voting Power Model, Review of Economics and Statistics 1992; The Distribution of Worker Rents in Union and Strategically Unorganized Work Places, in Research in Labor Economics 1991; The Health and Earnings of Rejected Disability Insurance Applicants: Comment, American Economic Review 81 1991; The Job Search Behavior of Employed Youth” Review of Economics and Statistics 1991; Male Retirement Behavior in the United States, 1930-1950 Journal of Economic History 1991; Self Screening in Targeted Public Transfer Programs Journal of Political Economy 1991; The Firm’s Decision to Train, in Research in Labor Economics 1990; Parental Altruism and Self-Interest: Child Labor among Late Nineteenth Century American Families (with Claudia Goldin), Economic Inquiry 1989; The Employment Relationship: Job Attachment, Work Effort, and the Nature of Contracts” in Handbook of Labor Economics 1986; On the Economics of Intergenerational Control, Population and Development Review 1984; The Male Labor Force Participation Decision: Health, Reported Health and Economic Incentives Economica 1982; “Demographic Effects on Public Charity to the Aged,” Journal of Human Resources 1982; Racial Trends in Male Labor Force Participation American Economic Review 1980; The Marriage Market and Male/Female Consumption Shares Journal of Mathematical Sociology 1980; Unemployment, the Allocation of Labor, and Optimal Government Intervention American Economic Review 1980; The Decline in Male Labor Force Participation Journal of Political Economy 1980; The Autocorrelation of Earnings, Human Wealth Inequality, and Income Contingent Loans Quarterly Journal of Economics 1978; Intergenerational Wealth Transfers and the Educational Decisions of Male Youth: The Mother’s Home Time Hypothesis Quarterly Journal of Economics 1978; Health, Family Structure, and Labor Supply American Economic Review 1977; Models of Labor Turnover: A Theoretical and Empirical Survey in Research in Labor Economics 1977; Intergenerational Wealth Transfers and the Educational Decisions of Male Youth Quarterly Journal of Economics 1975. The United State Steel Consolidation: Creation of Market Control (with Edward John Ray), Journal of Law and Economics 1975. Cost of School Time, Foregone Earnings and Human Capital Formation Journal of Political Economy 1974; Quit Rates Over Time: A Search and Information Approach American Economic Review 1973; Specific Human Capital: Layoffs and Quits Journal of Political Economy 1972
Professional Activities: Board of Editors: Atlantic Economic Journal, 2020-; Board of Editors: Journal of Economics and Business, 1979-1991; Member: American Economic Association, American Risk and Insurance Association, International Atlantic Economic Society, Society of Labor Economists, Western Economic Association International.
Sung Won Sohn: Professor of Finance and Economics, Loyola-Marymount University (2019-Present); President, SS Economics Consulting Firm (2018 – Present); Commissioner and Investment Committee Chair, Los Angeles City Employee Retirement System and Chair of the Investment Committee (2015-Present)
Previous Positions: Martin V. Smith Professor of Economics and Finance, California State University Channel Islands (2008-2018); Vice Chairman of the Board, Forever 21 (2008-2016); Commissioner, Port of Los Angeles (2011-2014); President and Chief Executive Officer, Hanmi Financial Corporation (2005 – 2007); Executive Vice President and Chief Economic Officer, Wells Fargo Banks (1998-2005); Senior Economist, President’s Council of Economic Advisors, The White House (1970-1974); Senior Vice President, Norwest Bank Minnesota; Director, Institute for Global Economic Research (IGER); Tenured Professor, Slippery Rock University ofPennsylvania.
Selected Publications: (Books): Global Financial Crisis and Exit Strategy (2009), The New Economy (2014).
Professional Activities: Executive Committee Member, Chairman, Investment Committee, and Audit Committee, Claremont Graduate University (2006-2015); Board of Directors Member: National Association of Corporate Directors (2011-Present); Western Alliance Bancorporation (2010 – Present); First California Bank Corporation (2008-2010); American Bankers Association Economic Advisory Council; Bank Administration Institution; World Affairs Council Los Angeles; International Chamber of Commerce; Cryo Cell International; Los Angeles Music Center for the Performing Arts; Children’s Bureau of Los Angeles; Minnesota State Council on Economic Education; Minnesota Economic